Всем привет!
Я обожаю осень и продлила бы её до лета, но....се ля ви))
По заданию нужно было придумать открытку с вырубными элементами.
Для меня такими вырубными стали осенние листья)
Пока рисовала дистрессами задний фон, вдохновилась на создание ещё одной открытки, тоже с вырубными листьями, которые впоследствии заполнила вырубкой)
Вот так чисто и просто сложились две открытки напоминающие от том что
зима близко и как я люблю осень.
Символично на признании в любви к осени -зелёные капли, как символ прошедшего лета.
А на напоминании о приближающейся зиме- прозрачные капли льда.
I adore autumn and I would extend it until the summer, but .... c'est la vie))
On a task, we had to come up with a card with cutting elements.
For me, the autumn leaves were such cutting elements)
While I was painted a background by disstress inks I was inspired to create another card where also some cut-out leaves which filled the cutting)
That's how clean and simple were born two cards reminiscent of the fact that
winter is comming and how I love autumn.
Symbolically, in recognition of love to autumn can see green drops, as a symbol of last summer.
And on a reminder of the approaching winter can see transparent drops like ice.
Ничего и эту зиму мы переживём)
I adore autumn and I would extend it until the summer, but .... c'est la vie))
On a task, we had to come up with a card with cutting elements.
For me, the autumn leaves were such cutting elements)
While I was painted a background by disstress inks I was inspired to create another card where also some cut-out leaves which filled the cutting)
That's how clean and simple were born two cards reminiscent of the fact that
winter is comming and how I love autumn.
Symbolically, in recognition of love to autumn can see green drops, as a symbol of last summer.
And on a reminder of the approaching winter can see transparent drops like ice.
Тепла вам и добра! Участвуйте в наших интересных заданиях)
Everything will be good! Participate in our tasks!
See you!
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